10 min Happiness Boost Yoga Sequence

Cultivating a regular yoga practice offers a multitude of benefits for both the body and mind. Through the combination of physical postures, breathwork, and meditation, yoga helps to boost happiness levels by releasing endorphins and reducing stress. This practice also aids in restoring energy by allowing for deep relaxation and rejuvenation of the body. By focusing on alignment and breathing techniques, the flow of energy within the body is enhanced, promoting overall well-being and vitality. Embrace yoga as a holistic approach to improving your mental, emotional, and physical health.

There are moments when we feel drained and lack motivation, leading to a sense of laziness within the body. I too have felt this way on occasion. While some days we may welcome this feeling as a chance to rest and heal, there are times when we need a little push to get back on track.

Incorporating a holistic routine, such as a quick 10-minute Yoga sequence, can be a simple yet effective way to boost energy levels and uplift your mood, without taking up too much time from your busy schedule. Regular practice of this routine can help rejuvenate both body and mind, allowing you to approach each day with renewed energy and positivity.

Try this 10 minute sequence for boost energy and get the happy endorphins you need.

Dirga Pranayama - Three Part Breath

Place your right hand over your belly and your left hand over your chest.

Exhale completely through both nostrils, allowing the breath to move into the lower belly.

Inhale deeply, feeling the belly expand as you fill up with air.

Exhale slowly, feeling the belly draw in towards the spine.

Repeat for a few more breaths.

When ready, inhale through the lower belly, expanding through the ribs and chest, pausing briefly at the top of the inhale before exhaling through the chest, ribs, and belly.

Continue this deep belly breathing, focusing on the expansion and contraction of the belly with each breath

Neck Side Stretch in Thunderbolt

Begin by placing your left hand on the floor beside you, creating a stable foundation.

Rest your right hand to your left ear, guiding your head towards your shoulder.

Surrender to the subtle sensation, allowing the weight of your hand to guide you, without any force or strain.

Take a deep breath in and let the head come back to the centre.

Repeat on the opposite side, honoring the harmony within your body.

Thunderbolt with Cow Face Pose Arms

Begin by extending your arms out to the sides, reaching them to shoulder height.

Turn your right palm up and slowly raise your right arm beside your ear.

Bend your right elbow and bring your hand down between your shoulder blades, allowing your palm to touch your back.

Use your left hand to gently hold onto your right elbow, encouraging it to point straight up towards the ceiling, behind your head.

As you release your left hand, bring your left arm back out to the side, aligning it with your shoulder.

Flip your left palm towards the wall behind you and bend your elbow, attempting to hook your right fingers with your left.

If you are unable to bind, you can use a strap by dropping it from your top hand to your bottom hand.

Hold this pose for 5 breaths, focusing on your breath and the sensations in your body.

Repeat the entire sequence on the other side to create balance and harmony within your practice.

Adho Mukha Svanasana - Down Dog Pose

Begin in a tabletop position, tucking your toes and lifting your hips up.

Ground down through your hands and feet.

Downward Facing Dog Pose shifts the blood flow towards the head, heart, and chest, allowing for fresh oxygen to circulate and aiding in muscle relaxation.

Virabhadrasana I - Warrior I Pose

From Downward Dog Pose

Inhale deeply, step the left foot forward, and bend the knee.

Exhale, hold the breath out.

Inhale, lift the arms and torso up.

Exhale, gaze upwards.

Inhale/Exhale, extend the arms up and find balance in Warrior Pose I.

Stay for 5 breaths, honoring the body's needs.

Release back to Downward Facing Dog and repeat on the other side, extending the right leg back.

Stay for 5 breaths, then release and relax in Downward Facing Dog.

This asana cultivates self-assurance, opens the hips, and gently stretches the lower belly. The hip opening is beneficial for supporting the pelvic floor muscles, especially during childbirth.

Virabhadrasana II - Warrior II Pose

Taking the challenge of balance one step further, go into Warrior II.

From Downward Dog, bring the right foot forward and stand tall with feet hip-width apart.

Take a moment to breathe and release tension in the spine and legs. Turn the left foot to the left side, at a 90-degree angle, and point the right foot forward.

Inhale deeply as you extend your arms outwards at shoulder distance, gently bending the right knee to your comfort. As you exhale, stretch your arms straight at shoulder level, palms facing down. Fix your gaze on the middle finger.

Stay grounded for 5 breaths, then release in Downward Facing Dog.

Repeat on the other side by stepping the left foot forward.

This variation of Warrior Pose I offers the same benefits, with the added advantage of stretching the arms at shoulder level to enhance balance.

Viparita Virabhadrasana - Peaceful Warrior Pose

From Downward Facing Dog.

Begin by stepping the right foot forward on an inhale, followed by bending the right knee on an exhale.

Inhale to stretch the torso backwards, then exhale to reach the arm up, transitioning into Reverse Warrior Pose with a backbend.

Hold the pose for 5 breaths, focusing on deep and steady breathing to enhance the stretch and release tension.

Exhale and return to Downward Facing Dog Pose to relax before repeating the sequence on the other side with the left foot stepping forward.

Peaceful Warrior Pose targets the chest and torso muscles, promoting lung expansion and deep breathing for a calming and rejuvenating effect.

Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana - Revolved Wide Legged Forward Bend Pose

Begin by standing with legs hip-width apart, ensuring your posture is upright. Rotate your toes inward and heels outward.

Place your hands on your hips, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, bend at the hips while bringing your chest towards the ground and bending your knees for comfort.

To maintain a straight back, place your hands on the floor or a block.

Inhale, raise your right hand or arm towards the ceiling, twisting your upper body. You can choose to look at your hand or towards the side if your neck feels sensitive. Hold for 5 slow breaths

Slowly return your right hand to the floor or block.

Repeat the twist on the other side, holding for 5 breaths.

Place both hands back on your hips. Inhale and slowly return to a standing position.

This pose aids in digestion, enhances spinal flexibility, and boosts balance and stability in the legs.

Ustrasana - Camel Pose

Let us move towards the next asana for the heart chakra, which is known as Ustrasana or Camel Pose.

Begin by sitting on the floor in Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) to find relaxation and take a few deep breaths.

Inhale and shift your weight onto your shins and knees. Inhale once more and gently arch your back, placing your hands on your heels behind you.

Exhale fully as you enter Ustrasana, engaging your core muscles to deepen the backbend, lifting your chest upwards and drawing your shoulders inward and backward. Ensure that your lower back feels comfortable and avoid any strain on the sacrum. There is no need to tuck the tailbone in this pose; instead, maintain focus on the core muscles.

Stay in this pose for approximately 5-8 breaths, then release with an exhale and prepare to repeat the practice for the second round.

The Camel Pose not only stretches the hips, spine, and shoulders but also strengthens the core and chest muscles. By cultivating strength in these areas, we can reduce the struggle to overcome obstacles and minimize the risk of injuries.

Paschimottanasana - Seated Forward Fold

Release and transition smoothly into a seated position on the mat, extending the legs in front of you in Dandasana or Staff Pose.

Exhale deeply as you fold forward, bringing your torso towards your knees or shins in Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend Pose, holding the position for 5-10 breaths.

Experience the stretch in your hips and hamstrings, engaging your neck muscles and arms to deepen the forward fold.

This gentle massage to the lower back activates the muladhara chakra, or root chakra, promoting a steady flow of prana and releasing any energy blockages.

By focusing on the root of the spine, envision the support of a tree's roots, nurturing your body and facilitating growth and well-being.

Viparita Karani - Legs up the Wall Pose

Surrender the body in Savasana, extending the legs and arms close to the body, completely relaxing.

Transition to lying against the wall with legs parallel and knees bent, lifting the legs up into Legs Up the Wall Pose.

Hold for 5-10 breaths, pressing the sacrum against the floor and engaging the belly towards the spine.

Focus on the navel, the Manipura Chakra, to relax the spine and balance the Fire element for improved digestion and circulation.

Ensure the chin is relaxed and the shoulders are settled while in this pose.

Savasana - Corpse Pose

Surrender yourself completely in Savasana, allowing your breath and body to intertwine harmoniously. Let the entirety of your spine, shoulders, and hips find solace on the ground, releasing any tension or stress that may linger within.


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